Goto Section: 73.1515 | 73.1530 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.1520
Revised as of October 1, 2013
Goto Year:2012 | 2014
§  73.1520   Operation for tests and maintenance.

   (a) Broadcast stations may be operated for tests and maintenance of
   their transmitting systems on their assigned frequencies using their
   licensed operating power and antennas during their authorized hours of
   operation without specific authorization from the FCC.

   (b) Licensees of AM stations may operate for tests and maintenance
   during the hours from 12 midnight local time to local sunrise, if no
   interference is caused to other stations maintaining a regular
   operating schedule within such period. No AM station licensed for
   "daytime" or "specified hours" of operation may broadcast any regular
   or scheduled programs during this period of test and maintenance

   (c) Licensees of AM stations may obtain special antenna test
   authorizations, and operate under the provisions described in
   §  73.157, to operate with nighttime facilities during daytime hours in
   conducting directional antenna field strength and antenna proof of
   performance measurements.

   [ 43 FR 32783 , July 28, 1978, as amended at  45 FR 6401 , Jan. 28, 1980]

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Goto Section: 73.1515 | 73.1530

Goto Year: 2012 | 2014
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